The Tesla blue activated quartz bottle is a glass bottle where the quartz in the glass has been activated by the Nikola Tesla Technology (environmentally friendly electricity). It also uses color therapy, magnet therapy and positive affirmations.
Most water you buy at the grocery store is chronically ill or dying. So when you put water in this bottle, it begins to heal the water and may heal you.
The website mentions several ways this bottle might enhance your health…
Stated Benefits of the Blue Quartz Bottle
- Strengthens your immune system
- Deeper absorption of drinking water
- Faster re-hydration of entire body
- Strengthens bladder, organs and muscles
- Increases circulation to fingers and toes
What Have I Noticed?
I have been using the bottle for about a month now. I have to say it does change the water sometimes. Some days the water is almost like silk, but other days not. Sometimes I am little more energetic but other times not. The effects are simply not consistent.
When I drink crystal-charged solarized water or pure living water, I am energetic all the time. And I do not run to the bathroom quickly because the water goes deep into my cells to hydrate various parts of my body. This bottle claims to do the same.
Well, I definitely don’t have to go as much like with regular water. But it does not offer the same effect as solarized or raw, living water.
However, I can say the water I put in this bottle never gives me that “bloated stomach” feeling I get when I drink a lot of regular water.
I also put other pasteurized liquids in the bottle (when I’m out), and I must say the taste is definitely enhanced.
Other Ways to Use the Bottle
The website and pamphlets sent in the mail offered a few additional uses for the bottle, and I have tried a few, but this site offers more information about how to use it.
I have used the bottle for minor aches and pains. I just place the filled bottle on my ache, and it slowly goes away.
I also tried to charge a crystal in the bottle, but the charge was not strong enough to do the job.
Do I Recommend it?
I guess I would recommend this bottle to anyone who wants to switch up every now and then from regular crystal-charged water or for people dealing with issues that can be helped by the color blue like hypothyroidism etc as this bottle carries that vibration. It is an easy way to improve your water without going to a local spring.
We paid $80.00 (with shipping) for two 16 ounce bottles. The charge to the bottle should last for a couple years, at least. There are a variety of sizes available, which you can find on the site.
Of course, there are a number of other ways to alkaline your water, which I will go over in other posts, but this is super easy because you don’t have to do anything. Just pour clean water, wait 30 seconds, and drink.
It is portable, and that is a good thing. If you leave it in your car, and the sun hits it, it will only increase the benefits. And the water it produces seems better than most water available at the store, so…I give it a B-.
Update 2/28/2014- This bottle began to irritate me because my body only wants raw, living water or sun charged water now. However, I still use it for minor aches. I fill it with hot water, wrap it with a warm towel, and place it on the affected area; it does relieve the pain, but I do have to leave it there for a while.