This series will be featuring various types of art that can assist in healing. I stumbled upon this short film (based on a drama script by Frederick Passmore) on GodTube. It was produced by Rentz Baptist Church in Rentz, GA and directed by Steve Knight. There is a simple message here, and I like the dark element.
As I looked at the film, I reflected on my childhood & teenage years. Sometimes, people would ask me to lead a song at certain events. I wanted to say no, would try to wiggle my way out of it, and usually did the song grudgingly. I despised singing and had stage fright. It’s crazy how things change once you get serious about Christ. Now, I love to sing because of my love for Jesus, and God told all of us to do so, though he never commanded us to highlight pretty-singing voices, which is vain – James 5:13, Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 5:19. It’s all beautiful to God. Everyone in a gathering is the choir now, and we all get to lead a song! After I became a Christian, Yah gave me the gift of music creation. I write and arrange spiritual songs for collective worship and other projects.
Now, I strive to honor Gd with everything that I am. He helps me conquer any anxiety and fear. I share my thoughts, life, and experiences because of my love for Jesus. The natural skills and spiritual gifts Gd has given me are His. I use them wherever and however the Holy Spirit leads, but I do remember a time.
Peace & Love,