At times, my soul gets burdened down with the evil and deception in the world. As I grow in knowledge and wisdom (Ecclesiastes 1:18), I find myself oscillating between the sadness of the world and the joy and happiness that lives within me. Though I feel this way now for spiritual reasons, I’ve always been empathetic. When I was child, I heard about things and would feel awful. This reality has even been a factor in some suicides. For a brief time, I tried to ignore the stuff I saw or heard and would not look at certain news because it was too depressing.
But that wasn’t the right response and kind of selfish. God told me to pray about what I saw & for anyone who might have been affected. This also gives me an opportunity to reach out and touch someone with my faith, mourn with those who mourn, take a stand for injustice, or help a person in his or her time of need. Then, I give this weight to God. This is something I must do so the feelings do not consume me or affect my health. (But there is this part of me that hurts for God because he has to carry all of our burdens, and I have to give that to Him, too.)
I know that this world is temporary, and Christ has defeated the enemy. But communing with God in various ways brings healing to my soul. No Christian should ever feel comfortable on this earth. We always long for home. The world is lost to sin, yet I’m thankful Love is always victorious. The following are a few Bible verses for sadness that you can memorize. Allow them to marinate in your heart when you are being pulled into the dark shadows of this temporal world.