This is the first booklet in a new health series.
Collective Worship Series is Complete
After I completed two booklets in the collective worship series, God gave me a third one that links to those; it contains a lot of cool prophetic connections.
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: Acts 2:17
You can read the first yet last message here (Rev. 22:13). Moving as the Spirit guides.
I have a health zine that I’ll release in 2024, God willing.
Our new booklet is ready for consumption
Where have I been? When I go silent for some time, it usually means I’m working on something(s) in the background and need to retreat. I’ve completed a new booklet called How Should a Worship Service Look? Collective Worship according to the N.T. for Christ followers.
I was pondering the functions of a local Christ assembly and started exploring some things. Then, I wondered what should happen at the gathering (resurrection party) and how it might look. I realized that Jesus was teaching me this over the years. This work exposes common ailments and facilitates healing for local assemblies. We’ve indeed lost the spiritual glamour and epicness of our faith yet physical simplicity we embrace.
2023 Update: This booklet will not be in our online freeshop. This is the first of a three-booklet series that will be ready late 2023, God willing.