Flower essence therapy dates back to Ancient Egypt and was used by the Native Americans as well. But the person who is often credited for this method of healing is Dr. Edward Bach; he was an English medical doctor who developed 38 flower essence remedies to heal people. He combined these remedies with his belief that the patient’s emotional state should be evaluated for proper healing. But is this healing method just a myth, or some pseudo-healing method? Let us find out and see…
How The Moon Can Enhance Your Reproductive Health
You might know about the health benefits of the sun, but what about the moon? You may know that the gravitational pull of the moon affects the ocean and that the sun illuminates the moon, but it can also affect the reproductive system of men and women. Creation, including our bodies, contain opposing forces in various ways. We know that the moon is more feminine, and the sun is more masculine. We can see Christ’s Bride and Christ himself in creation, who is the light of the world (2 Corinthians 11:2-3)(Isaiah 62:4-5)(John 3:29) (Matthew 9:15)(Ephesians 5:25-32)(Revelation 19:7).
Moon Bathing And Sexuality
Some findings suggest that immersing yourself in total darkness, and the dim lighting of the moon, aids in the production of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the body that makes you drowsy, and this helps you fall asleep. This hormone is also linked to the production of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that is associated with dexterous lactation and sexual satisfaction in women. High levels in non-pregnant women may cause infertility and irregular cycles. The moon can balance, whether too low or high.
These hormones also ensure proper maturation of sperm, which is linked to a heightened sexual experience and will also make sperm powerful.
If you want to increase your chances of conception, your exposure to the moon may be the key. Some believe that making love on a full moon can increase your chances.
Masturbation — Right or Wrong: The Unveiled Tale
Is masturbation wrong? When I was a teenager, we talked about this during a church gathering. Nobody really had an answer. I figured it would be wrong if you thought about someone while doing the act, but I’ve come to realize that… First, let’s explore what sex symbolizes and what it’s meant for.
What is the Purpose of Sex (or Love Making)?
Well, love-making is a symbol of the intimacy Christ’s Bride (aka future wedding guests) has with God (Songs of Solomon)(2 Corinthians 11:2-3)(Isaiah 62:4-5)(John 3:29) (Matthew 9:15)(Ephesians 5:25-32)(Revelation 19:7-9); it symbolizes the oneness we have with him through Jesus Christ, our mediator (1 Corinthians 6:17, Romans 12:5). And, if you are truly his, you will be fruitful (John 15:8)(Matthew 7:20). So, God created sex for intimacy, an expression of love, oneness, and for being fruitful on earth (Genesis 1:28).
A relationship with God can also be blissful at times. You can feel this during sex and with your mate in your day to day life. We reveal ourselves and confess our sins to God, and you also reveal yourself to your husband or wife when naked and with secret thoughts. He or she may know you better than anyone else. But God knows you better than anyone will ever know you.
But when you masturbate, you are feeding the desires of your flesh (Galatians 5:19). You are experiencing sexual pleasure that should be experienced with your husband or wife as we see in 1 Corinthians 7:2. It falls into unlawful sex, fornication (porneia), which we are commanded not to do. Masturbation may also dilute the sexual experience that you have with your wife or husband when you do get married. Of course, God can always fix and mend issues, but we should strive to be holy because it was commanded we do so (1 Peter 1:16).
But some say otherwise.