While studying massage techniques a few years ago, I stumbled upon reflexology. Reflexology is not a massage–technically, as massage deals with soft tissue manipulation, and reflexology deals with reflex points. To relieve problems, you apply pressure to points that connect to certain organs and systems within the body. These points can be found on various areas of the body, but I will focus on hand reflexology for this post.
God’s metaphoric Hands carry us, help us & created us. Our bodies are wondrously made, and there are many connections.
Reflexology Skeptics
If you think reflexology is a joke, here is some research that you can nibble on. Studies suggest that certain physical reactions occur when you stimulate certain areas of the body.
This stimulation may help with the following:
- Kidney health
- Intestinal health
- Lower blood pressure
- Pain reduction
- Cardiovascular health
- Diabetes
- Headaches
- Pre-menstrual issues
- And so much more
I’ll teach you a few techniques that should help with a few common ailments. As mentioned earlier, I’m concentrating on reflexology of the hands. But before we get started, let’s connect a few dots.
Godly Colors and Reflexology
When we reflect on the colors on earth, we can see God’s divine connections. He is Light & His ‘Colors’ bring healing to our trinity & the world. We see light on earth, which has 7 primary visible colors that are healing to the physical body & creation.
You will find colors throughout the Bible, such as red, which can represent sin (Isaiah 1:18). Red can also symbolize a saving or a cleaning. (Exodus 12:7) (1 John 1:7). Christ’s sacrifice and shed blood cleanses us from sin and saves us from death (separation from God). The blood within your physical body helps eliminate impurities and cellular waste. It also needs a cleansing every now and then, which is often done with herbs. People can also do this with animal foods, such as raw milk, kidney, and liver. Of course, a few cultures did this by drinking animal blood.
But colors are an important part of your physical health and for reflexology as well (though colors overlap sometimes). For the hand, colors start at the tip of your fingers in the following order:
- Violet: Associated with the crown of your head/health of your brain–the tip of your fingers.
- Indigo: Associated with your head as well/the center–below the tip of your fingers.
- Blue: Your neck/throat area–the midsection of your fingers.
- Green: Usually connected to your chest area/heart–right under your fingers, excluding your thumb.
- Yellow: Connected to your midsection right above the stomach–the midsection of your hand.
- Orange: Associated with your lower abdomen. Bladder, kidneys, lower intestine, uterus, etc–approx 2-3 inches below your navel–the area of your hand that aligns with the bottom of your thumb.
- Red: This area includes the genitals & the base of the spine–the bottom of your hand and wrist area.
Now, let’s get started with the 5 common ailments and see how hand reflexology can help. You can use the right or left hand, depending on the side of your pain. If your pain is not on one particular side, use both hands (or the dominate hand). And remember, if you have ailments consistently, you must find out what’s causing them–to heal correctly.