Here are some foundational beliefs. You can find out more by perusing the site, reading our works, or just ask.
- That Jesus and Gd are ONE yet 3: God the Father, the Son – Jesus Christ, and the holy spirit.
- We were created in the image of God, so we are one existing in three (spirit, soul, body).
- Our being is connected, so a spiritual or soul issue can possibly be reflected in the body.
- In sharing knowledge and wisdom for temple maintenance. Spiritual & soul healing through Jesus Christ is our primary focus as this makes one truly whole.
- Christ-followers should never obsess over their earthly bodies as we’re awaiting spiritual, incorruptible bodies, like Christ’s.
- Perfect health is not promised to anyone. One could have an ailment their whole lives that God may not cure.
- In using animals, plants, fungi, or algae for physical nourishment & healing.
- We have freedom in Christ but desire not to use this liberty to satisfy the flesh or disobey the scriptures.
- Yahweh’s Word is our Spiritual Food that nourishes our whole being.
- To love God with all your heart, soul, and mind is the first & greatest commandment.
- The second greatest command is this: love your neighbor as yourself.
- In miracles. With faith, the impossible can happen, if it’s God will.
- In the power of prayer; this superpower can bring real change, including healing.
- In the laying of hands, which is an elementary part of our faith.
- That only a few find the way to eternal life.
- The Christian’s goal is not to accumulate an abundance of things. It’s a sin to hoard wealth.
- In the permanence of marriage. It’s a life-long spiritual bond created by God. Divorce and remarriage is adultery for unbelievers and believers–according to the New Covenant.
- That salvation is obtained by Yahweh’s Grace and Faith in Jesus Christ. With this Faith, we show our love through obedience. Faith that doesn’t produce works is dead.
- Spiritual/soul health maintenance simply involves being doers of the Word: meditating on God’s Word, sin confession & turning away, sharing the Good News, collective worship, fasting, praying, praise, worship, the Lord’s Supper, denying of self, etc.
- Water baptism should be done immediately after joining God’s family as seen in N.T. scriptures, but it’s not a requirement for salvation.
- Spiritual gifts (Christian superpowers) should be used in the local body and shared with the universal Body of Christ.
- The fruit of the holy spirit should be seen in a Christ follower’s life.
- In the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His sinless life, and His resurrection.
- In the ministry of Gd’s spirit, His work to reveal Christ to the world, convict people of sin, His indwelling presence in every follower, which enables that believer to grow in Christ.